
Friday, December 7, 2012

Promote Your Product or Company with a Vanity Number

While there are certainly many ways for you to promote your business and the products and services it offers, a vanity number is an inexpensive and highly effective tool that can aid your marketing campaigns. These numbers personalize and brand your business in a way that cannot be otherwise accomplished.

What are Vanity Numbers?
A vanity number essentially takes the place of a standard telephone number and contains alphanumeric characters instead of just numbers. There are many ways in which they can be utilized, and they are available in both standard local formats and toll-free numbers. Businesses that choose to utilize these numbers are doing themselves a huge favor because it helps to brand the company, promotes the industry and provides consumers with a memorable telephone number to dial when they are in need of products and services. These numbers are often combined with marketing campaigns to make them stand out even more.

Local Numbers
A local vanity number is often hard to come by for many reasons. First, since local numbers are only seven digits, this only provides you with four characters that you can customize. In some cases, such as a car dealership, this can be highly effective—555-CARS, for example. You must also remember that if there is competition within the market, most of the seven-digit vanity numbers are probably unavailable. This can pose a serious problem, and it is for this reason that you may want to consider using a toll-free number as an alternative.

Toll-Free Numbers
A toll-free vanity number is typically the best way to promote your product or company because it provides you with more characters that you can customize. Instead of only four characters, you will have seven. This frees you up to choose more words or a phrase that better represents your business. Using the same example as above, a car dealership may choose 1-866-USEDCAR or 1-877-AUTOS4U. Either of these options describes the industry and is very memorable to consumers who may want to procure a car. Additionally, if the word or phrase you choose is unavailable with one toll-free prefix, there are additional options from which you can choose.

Marketing & Branding
Regardless of the number you select, you will need to market it to consumers in order for it to be effective in promoting your business or your products. Studies have shown that the best way to do this is to tie the telephone number in with an audio jingle via television or radio ads, but many businesses also enjoy a fair level of success by incorporating their numbers with striking visual images on billboards and flyers. Either way, consumers will be able to associate the number with the products or services on offer. Thusly, when they are ready to make a purchase, they are more likely to dial the number they remember than to spend time searching for a different number through various mediums.

A vanity number is certainly a great way to promote your business, but you must consider whether a local number or toll free number will be your best option. Once your number has been chosen and confirmed as available, it is important to market it soundly in order to get the word out.

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